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contact information & inquiries
If you have an inquiry or questions, please visit our FAQs & Policies page. If you're looking for a place to stay or a bite to eat, visit our Local Recommendations page. For general inquiries, please fill out the form below, send us a quick email or give us a call.
Ucluelet: 200 Hemlock St, Ucluelet, BC V0R 3A0
Small Craft Harbours
How to find us:
As you come into Ucluelet, turn left onto Hemlock St. at the West Coast Motel sign. You will go down a small hill, past the Small Craft Harbours sign and immediately on your left there will be a large parking lot. Park there and head to the far left corner of the parking lot where you will see the walkway down to the dock (ramp to the left of the Floathouse Restaurant walkway). Head straight down the dock to finger #, and there you will run into Andrew!
Phone number:
Email address:
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Where we're docked
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